Verify Certificate A Cloud Guru’s Beginners Guide to Containers and Orchestration provides an overview of the key concepts in containers and how they lead to the need for an orchestrator such as Docker or Kubernetes. The course also covers common use-cases for container orchestration technologies including microservice architectures, automated scaling, and CI/CD pipelines.
I appreciated this course’s coverage of how different technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes relate to one another.
Verify Certificate A Cloud Guru’s S3 Basics course provides an introduction to the capabilities and setup process for Amazon S3. S3 has become one of the most commonly used services that powers the modern internet, and the S3 API has been adopted by other vendors such as Cloudflare and MinIO .
As part of this course’s capstone lab, I created multiple S3 buckets in the AWS console and experimented with configuring public and private objects.
Verify Certificate A Cloud Guru’s AWS Concepts course gives an overview of the basic concepts and terminology used to descrive AWS envrionments. The course gives an overview of AWS VPCs and AWS’s most commonly deploymed services including EC2, RDS, and S3.
This course provided valuable context on how these different managed services fit within an AWS Virtual Private Cloud. After completing this course, I have continued my studies in AWS with A Cloud Guru’s course on AWS S3 Basics.
Verify Certificate A Cloud Guru’s Introduction to Cloud Computing course provides a concise overview of the basics concepts and vocabulary involved in cloud computing. The course describes IaaS, PaaS, and serverless technologies gives examples of where each might be best choice for a project or business need. This course was helpful in providing a broad view of the cloud technology landscape to put future studies into context.
Check out my continued studies in cloud technologies and DevOps .
Verify Certificate The CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ covers the process of moving workloads to the cloud from both a business and technical perspective. As an engineer, I particularly appreciated the business perspectives and terminology introduced by this exam and the course materials I used to prepare for it. The Cloud Essentials+ introduced me to common cloud compliance terms, business analysis frameworks, and the most common management frameworks used to address an organization’s needs around cloud computing.